Join the Effort

From Your Computer

Post the info about the event and the two YouTubes on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs, listserves, and ask those you forward it to, to do the same.

Schedule of events
In the streets

Below is a list of events to distribute the promotional cards. Come by Revolution Books to pick up the promo cards, you can distribute them yourself, with your friends, or contact us and we can go together.

Wednesday 10/27
2:45pm- A Free Man Of Color at Lincoln Center, 150 West 65th Street (between Broadway & Amsterdam)
2:45pm- The Scottsboro Boys, Vineyard Theater, 108 East 15th Street
7:00pm- Toni Morrison and Angela Davis, NY Library, 5th Ave @ 42nd Street
4:20 pm & 10:20pm- Fela at The Eugene O'Neill Theatre, 230 West 49th Street
10:20pm- A Free Man Of Color at Lincoln Center, 150 West 65th Street (between Broadway & Amsterdam)

Thursday 10/28
10:20pm  - Fela at The Eugene O'Neill Theatre, 230 West 49th Street


Today is the day and even though we have made a good beginning there are many more places to go and people to meet and activate around this event. In a time when the future this system has for our youth is without hope or purpose, a future of police terror, incarceration, no jobs, and mis-education, Cornel West and Carl Dix will deeply discuss this crucial question, "What Future for Our Youth?". A question that is otherwise off the table.

Join us to help spread the word about this event far and wide, from the internet to the streets, and help create a climate where everyone feels compelled to be there!

To the right is a schedule of events to help distribute promo cards, and if you have ideas of where to go we will add it to our schedule. Come by Revolution Books to pick up some promo cards and posters to get out in your neighborhood, school, church, union, work place, community center, library, concerts, clubs, wherever people gather. Be sure to buy your ticket TODAY!


Check out these two YouTube videos and forward to friends, colleagues, family, professional associations, organizations, listserves, blogs, and web sites and post on Facebook and Twitter as part of making the October 29 dialogue between Cornel West and Carl Dix a success. and


This event is a fundraiser for Revolution Books ( which is in a battle to keep the doors open and the Prisoner's Revolutionary Literature Fund ( which distributes Revolution newspaper ( and other revolutionary literature to our sisters and brothers behind bars.