March 24, 2011

Dear Friends,

This spring, Revolution Books is busting out to make a breakthrough in putting the specter and joy of revolution on the map.  

In 3 weeks, on April 11, Revolution Books will be co-producing an extraordinary evening at Harlem Stage--a night of soaring hearts for people who dream of a better world.  Incredible musicians, actors, artists, writers, people from the community, young and old, will come together from different perspectives and experiences for an evening of titled: "On the Occasion of the Publication of BAsics, A Celebration of Revolution and the Vision of a Whole New World."  Do not miss this ... get your ticket now and spread the word. 

Leading up to this special evening, on April 5, Revolution Books will host a book release party at the store for "BAsics, from the Writings and Talks of Bob Avakian." BAsics is a concise book of essential quotes and short essays by Bob Avakian that concentrates more than 35 years of work on everything standing between humanity and complete emancipation.  Revolution newspaper wrote: "Bob Avakian is an innovative and critical thinker who has taken Marxism to a new place; he's a provocative commentator on everything from basketball to religion, doo-wop music to science. He is the leader of a party and a movement aiming to make revolution when the possibility opens up. He is someone, in the words of Cornel West, who "is a long distance runner in the freedom struggle against imperialism, racism and capitalism."

In the past month, revolts and uprisings have rocked the Middle East ... Many are feeling for the first time, or the first time in decades, that people can change the world.  

This is a moment that underlines how sorely revolution is needed ... nuclear meltdown and radioactive disaster in Japan, a massive imperialist bombing of Libya on top of continuing US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . . . South Dakota passes a law requiring a woman to submit to counseling from religious anti-abortion zealots before she can receive an abortion... and the chief of police in Miami is captured on a reality show saying: "We hunt...I like to hunt..." after his police force gunned down seven black men in the past eight months. 

All this just scratches the surface of today's news.  Think about what a difference it makes that there is a Revolution Books where people can find the books and the engagement with why the world is such a horror and where they can get introduced to the work of Bob Avakian.  And, what an opportunity April 11 provides to put revolution on the map on a whole other level.  There is much you can do to be a part of making it happen:

1. Buy your ticket, your premium ticket today.  Buy a ticket for a high school youth.

2. Spread the word of April 11: 
* Forward this e-mail widely (please use the "Forward email" option at bottom left);
* come into Revolution Books and pick up a stack of beautiful palm cards
   and get them everywhere.
* Join a team to spread the word.

3. Post the Cornel West YouTube PSA for April 11 on Facebook.
    Twitter, and e-mail it around. 

4. Come to Revolution Books on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:00 PM for a very special presentation on the import of April 11 and building a movement for revolution.  

5. Donate to Revolution Books today. Check out the full schedule of events here

Winter is ending.  Are you going to be a part of a revolutionary Spring awakening?


Andy Zee

PS:    Stop by or e-mail Revolution Books to let us know what you're thinking.   And, don't forget, Revolution Books can only exist with your financial support.  Become a Friend of Revolution Books today.